FLTK 1.4.1
Fl_Tile Class Reference

The Fl_Tile class lets you resize its children by dragging the border between them. More...

Inheritance diagram for Fl_Tile:
Fl_Group Fl_Widget


struct  Size_Range

Public Member Functions

virtual void drag_intersection (int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy)
 Drags the intersection at (oldx,oldy) to (newx,newy). More...
 Fl_Tile (int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L=0)
 Creates a new Fl_Tile widget using the given position, size, and label string. More...
int handle (int event) FL_OVERRIDE
 Handles the specified event. More...
void init_size_range (int default_min_w=-1, int default_min_h=-1)
 Initialize the size range mode of Fl_Tile and set the default minimum width and height. More...
virtual void move_intersection (int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy)
 Drags the intersection at (oldx,oldy) to (newx,newy). More...
void position (int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy)
void position (int x, int y)
void resize (int X, int Y, int W, int H) FL_OVERRIDE
 Resizes the Fl_Tile widget and its children. More...
void size_range (Fl_Widget *w, int minw, int minh, int maxw=0x7FFFFFFF, int maxh=0x7FFFFFFF)
 Set the allowed size range for the give child widget. More...
void size_range (int index, int minw, int minh, int maxw=0x7FFFFFFF, int maxh=0x7FFFFFFF)
 Set the allowed size range for the child at the given index. More...
 ~Fl_Tile () FL_OVERRIDE
- Public Member Functions inherited from Fl_Group
Fl_Widget *& _ddfdesign_kludge ()
 This is for forms compatibility only.
void add (Fl_Widget &)
 The widget is removed from its current group (if any) and then added to the end of this group.
void add (Fl_Widget *o)
 See void Fl_Group::add(Fl_Widget &w)
void add_resizable (Fl_Widget &o)
 Adds a widget to the group and makes it the resizable widget.
Fl_Widget *const * array () const
 Returns a pointer to the array of children. More...
Fl_Group const * as_group () const FL_OVERRIDE
Fl_Groupas_group () FL_OVERRIDE
 Returns an Fl_Group pointer if this widget is an Fl_Group. More...
void begin ()
 Sets the current group so you can build the widget tree by just constructing the widgets. More...
Fl_Widgetchild (int n) const
 Returns the n'th child. More...
int children () const
 Returns how many child widgets the group has.
void clear ()
 Deletes all child widgets from memory recursively. More...
unsigned int clip_children ()
 Returns the current clipping mode. More...
void clip_children (int c)
 Controls whether the group widget clips the drawing of child widgets to its bounding box. More...
virtual int delete_child (int n)
 Removes the widget at index from the group and deletes it. More...
void end ()
 Exactly the same as current(this->parent()). More...
int find (const Fl_Widget &o) const
 See int Fl_Group::find(const Fl_Widget *w) const.
int find (const Fl_Widget *) const
 Searches the child array for the widget and returns the index. More...
 Fl_Group (int, int, int, int, const char *=0)
 Creates a new Fl_Group widget using the given position, size, and label string. More...
void focus (Fl_Widget *W)
void forms_end ()
 This is for forms compatibility only.
int handle (int) FL_OVERRIDE
 Handles the specified event. More...
void init_sizes ()
 Resets the internal array of widget sizes and positions. More...
void insert (Fl_Widget &, int i)
 The widget is removed from its current group (if any) and then inserted into this group. More...
void insert (Fl_Widget &o, Fl_Widget *before)
 This does insert(w, find(before)). More...
void remove (Fl_Widget &)
 Removes a widget from the group but does not delete it. More...
void remove (Fl_Widget *o)
 Removes the widget o from the group. More...
void remove (int index)
 Removes the widget at index from the group but does not delete it. More...
Fl_Widgetresizable () const
 Returns the group's resizable widget. More...
void resizable (Fl_Widget &o)
 Sets the group's resizable widget. More...
void resizable (Fl_Widget *o)
 The resizable widget defines both the resizing box and the resizing behavior of the group and its children. More...
void resize (int, int, int, int) FL_OVERRIDE
 Resizes the Fl_Group widget and all of its children. More...
virtual ~Fl_Group ()
 The destructor also deletes all the children. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Fl_Widget
void _clear_fullscreen ()
void _set_fullscreen ()
void activate ()
 Activates the widget. More...
unsigned int active () const
 Returns whether the widget is active. More...
int active_r () const
 Returns whether the widget and all of its parents are active. More...
Fl_Align align () const
 Gets the label alignment. More...
void align (Fl_Align alignment)
 Sets the label alignment. More...
long argument () const
 Gets the current user data (long) argument that is passed to the callback function. More...
void argument (long v)
 Sets the current user data (long) argument that is passed to the callback function. More...
virtual class Fl_Gl_Windowas_gl_window ()
 Returns an Fl_Gl_Window pointer if this widget is an Fl_Gl_Window. More...
virtual class Fl_Gl_Window const * as_gl_window () const
virtual Fl_Groupas_group ()
 Returns an Fl_Group pointer if this widget is an Fl_Group. More...
virtual Fl_Group const * as_group () const
virtual Fl_Windowas_window ()
 Returns an Fl_Window pointer if this widget is an Fl_Window. More...
virtual Fl_Window const * as_window () const
void bind_deimage (Fl_Image *img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the inactive state. More...
void bind_deimage (int f)
 Bind the inactive image to the widget, so the widget will delete the image when it is no longer needed. More...
void bind_image (Fl_Image *img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the active state. More...
void bind_image (int f)
 Bind the image to the widget, so the widget will delete the image when it is no longer needed. More...
Fl_Boxtype box () const
 Gets the box type of the widget. More...
void box (Fl_Boxtype new_box)
 Sets the box type for the widget. More...
Fl_Callback_p callback () const
 Gets the current callback function for the widget. More...
void callback (Fl_Callback *cb)
 Sets the current callback function for the widget. More...
void callback (Fl_Callback *cb, Fl_Callback_User_Data *p, bool auto_free)
 Sets the current callback function and managed user data for the widget. More...
void callback (Fl_Callback *cb, void *p)
 Sets the current callback function and data for the widget. More...
void callback (Fl_Callback0 *cb)
 Sets the current callback function for the widget. More...
void callback (Fl_Callback1 *cb, long p=0)
 Sets the current callback function for the widget. More...
unsigned int changed () const
 Checks if the widget value changed since the last callback. More...
void clear_active ()
 Marks the widget as inactive without sending events or changing focus. More...
void clear_changed ()
 Marks the value of the widget as unchanged. More...
void clear_damage (uchar c=0)
 Clears or sets the damage flags. More...
void clear_output ()
 Sets a widget to accept input. More...
void clear_visible ()
 Hides the widget. More...
void clear_visible_focus ()
 Disables keyboard focus navigation with this widget. More...
Fl_Color color () const
 Gets the background color of the widget. More...
void color (Fl_Color bg)
 Sets the background color of the widget. More...
void color (Fl_Color bg, Fl_Color sel)
 Sets the background and selection color of the widget. More...
Fl_Color color2 () const
 For back compatibility only. More...
void color2 (unsigned a)
 For back compatibility only. More...
int contains (const Fl_Widget *w) const
 Checks if w is a child of this widget. More...
void copy_label (const char *new_label)
 Sets the current label. More...
void copy_tooltip (const char *text)
 Sets the current tooltip text. More...
uchar damage () const
 Returns non-zero if draw() needs to be called. More...
void damage (uchar c)
 Sets the damage bits for the widget. More...
void damage (uchar c, int x, int y, int w, int h)
 Sets the damage bits for an area inside the widget. More...
int damage_resize (int, int, int, int)
 Internal use only.
void deactivate ()
 Deactivates the widget. More...
Fl_Imagedeimage ()
 Gets the image that is used as part of the widget label when in the inactive state. More...
const Fl_Imagedeimage () const
 Gets the image that is used as part of the widget label when in the inactive state. More...
void deimage (Fl_Image &img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the inactive state. More...
void deimage (Fl_Image *img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the inactive state. More...
int deimage_bound () const
 Returns whether the inactive image is managed by the widget. More...
void do_callback (Fl_Callback_Reason reason=FL_REASON_UNKNOWN)
 Calls the widget callback function with default arguments. More...
void do_callback (Fl_Widget *widget, long arg, Fl_Callback_Reason reason=FL_REASON_UNKNOWN)
 Calls the widget callback function with arbitrary arguments. More...
void do_callback (Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg=0, Fl_Callback_Reason reason=FL_REASON_UNKNOWN)
 Calls the widget callback function with arbitrary arguments. More...
virtual void draw ()=0
 Draws the widget. More...
void draw_label (int, int, int, int, Fl_Align) const
 Draws the label in an arbitrary bounding box with an arbitrary alignment. More...
int h () const
 Gets the widget height. More...
virtual int handle (int event)
 Handles the specified event. More...
virtual void hide ()
 Makes a widget invisible. More...
int horizontal_label_margin ()
 Get the spacing between the label and the horizontal edge of the widget. More...
void horizontal_label_margin (int px)
 Set the spacing between the label and the horizontal edge of the widget. More...
Fl_Imageimage ()
 Gets the image that is used as part of the widget label when in the active state. More...
const Fl_Imageimage () const
 Gets the image that is used as part of the widget label when in the active state. More...
void image (Fl_Image &img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the active state. More...
void image (Fl_Image *img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the active state. More...
int image_bound () const
 Returns whether the image is managed by the widget. More...
int inside (const Fl_Widget *wgt) const
 Checks if this widget is a child of wgt. More...
int is_label_copied () const
 Returns whether the current label was assigned with copy_label(). More...
const char * label () const
 Gets the current label text. More...
void label (const char *text)
 Sets the current label pointer. More...
void label (Fl_Labeltype a, const char *b)
 Shortcut to set the label text and type in one call. More...
int label_image_spacing ()
 Return the gap size between the label and the image. More...
void label_image_spacing (int gap)
 Set the gap between the label and the image in pixels. More...
Fl_Color labelcolor () const
 Gets the label color. More...
void labelcolor (Fl_Color c)
 Sets the label color. More...
Fl_Font labelfont () const
 Gets the font to use. More...
void labelfont (Fl_Font f)
 Sets the font to use. More...
Fl_Fontsize labelsize () const
 Gets the font size in pixels. More...
void labelsize (Fl_Fontsize pix)
 Sets the font size in pixels. More...
Fl_Labeltype labeltype () const
 Gets the label type. More...
void labeltype (Fl_Labeltype a)
 Sets the label type. More...
void measure_label (int &ww, int &hh) const
 Sets width ww and height hh accordingly with the label size. More...
bool needs_keyboard () const
 Returns whether this widget needs a keyboard. More...
void needs_keyboard (bool needs)
 Sets whether this widget needs a keyboard. More...
unsigned int output () const
 Returns if a widget is used for output only. More...
Fl_Groupparent () const
 Returns a pointer to the parent widget. More...
void parent (Fl_Group *p)
 Internal use only - "for hacks only". More...
void position (int X, int Y)
 Repositions the window or widget. More...
void redraw ()
 Schedules the drawing of the widget. More...
void redraw_label ()
 Schedules the drawing of the label. More...
virtual void resize (int x, int y, int w, int h)
 Changes the size or position of the widget. More...
Fl_Color selection_color () const
 Gets the selection color. More...
void selection_color (Fl_Color a)
 Sets the selection color. More...
void set_active ()
 Marks the widget as active without sending events or changing focus. More...
void set_changed ()
 Marks the value of the widget as changed. More...
void set_output ()
 Sets a widget to output only. More...
void set_visible ()
 Makes the widget visible. More...
void set_visible_focus ()
 Enables keyboard focus navigation with this widget. More...
int shortcut_label () const
 Returns whether the widget's label uses '&' to indicate shortcuts. More...
void shortcut_label (int value)
 Sets whether the widget's label uses '&' to indicate shortcuts. More...
virtual void show ()
 Makes a widget visible. More...
void size (int W, int H)
 Changes the size of the widget. More...
int take_focus ()
 Gives the widget the keyboard focus. More...
unsigned int takesevents () const
 Returns if the widget is able to take events. More...
int test_shortcut ()
 Returns true if the widget's label contains the entered '&x' shortcut. More...
const char * tooltip () const
 Gets the current tooltip text. More...
void tooltip (const char *text)
 Sets the current tooltip text. More...
Fl_Windowtop_window () const
 Returns a pointer to the top-level window for the widget. More...
Fl_Windowtop_window_offset (int &xoff, int &yoff) const
 Finds the x/y offset of the current widget relative to the top-level window. More...
uchar type () const
 Gets the widget type. More...
void type (uchar t)
 Sets the widget type. More...
int use_accents_menu ()
 Returns non zero if MAC_USE_ACCENTS_MENU flag is set, 0 otherwise.
void * user_data () const
 Gets the user data for this widget. More...
void user_data (Fl_Callback_User_Data *v, bool auto_free)
 Sets the user data for this widget.
void user_data (void *v)
 Sets the user data for this widget.
int vertical_label_margin ()
 Get the spacing between the label and the vertical edge of the widget. More...
void vertical_label_margin (int px)
 Set the spacing between the label and the vertical edge of the widget. More...
unsigned int visible () const
 Returns whether a widget is visible. More...
unsigned int visible_focus () const
 Checks whether this widget has a visible focus. More...
void visible_focus (int v)
 Modifies keyboard focus navigation. More...
int visible_r () const
 Returns whether a widget and all its parents are visible. More...
int w () const
 Gets the widget width. More...
Fl_When when () const
 Returns the conditions under which the callback is called. More...
void when (uchar i)
 Sets the flags used to decide when a callback is called. More...
Fl_Windowwindow () const
 Returns a pointer to the nearest parent window up the widget hierarchy. More...
int x () const
 Gets the widget position in its window. More...
int y () const
 Gets the widget position in its window. More...
virtual ~Fl_Widget ()
 Destroys the widget. More...

Protected Member Functions

Fl_Cursor cursor (int n)
 Returns the cursor for cursor index n. More...
int on_insert (Fl_Widget *, int) FL_OVERRIDE
 Insert a new entry in the size range list. More...
int on_move (int, int) FL_OVERRIDE
 Move the entry in the size range list. More...
void on_remove (int) FL_OVERRIDE
 Remove the entry from the size range list. More...
void request_grow_b (int old_b, int &new_b, Fl_Rect *final_size)
 Request for children to change their layout. More...
void request_grow_l (int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size)
 Request for children to change their layout. More...
void request_grow_r (int old_r, int &new_r, Fl_Rect *final_size)
 Request for children to change their layout. More...
void request_grow_t (int old_t, int &new_t, Fl_Rect *final_size)
 Request for children to change their layout. More...
void request_shrink_b (int old_b, int &new_b, Fl_Rect *final_size)
 Request for children to change their layout. More...
void request_shrink_l (int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size)
 Request for children to change their layout. More...
void request_shrink_r (int old_r, int &new_r, Fl_Rect *final_size)
 Request for children to change their layout. More...
void request_shrink_t (int old_t, int &new_t, Fl_Rect *final_size)
 Request for children to change their layout. More...
void set_cursor (int n)
 Set one of four cursors used for dragging etc… More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Fl_Group
Fl_Rectbounds ()
 Returns the internal array of widget sizes and positions. More...
void draw () FL_OVERRIDE
 Draws the widget. More...
void draw_child (Fl_Widget &widget) const
 Forces a child to redraw. More...
void draw_children ()
 Draws all children of the group. More...
void draw_outside_label (const Fl_Widget &widget) const
 Parents normally call this to draw outside labels of child widgets.
virtual int on_insert (Fl_Widget *, int)
 Allow derived groups to act when a widget is added as a child. More...
virtual int on_move (int, int)
 Allow derived groups to act when a widget is moved within the group. More...
virtual void on_remove (int)
 Allow derived groups to act when a child widget is removed from the group. More...
int * sizes ()
 Returns the internal array of widget sizes and positions. More...
void update_child (Fl_Widget &widget) const
 Draws a child only if it needs it. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Fl_Widget
void clear_flag (unsigned int c)
 Clears a flag in the flags mask.
void draw_backdrop () const
 If FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_BACKDROP is set, the image or deimage will be drawn.
void draw_box () const
 Draws the widget box according its box style.
void draw_box (Fl_Boxtype t, Fl_Color c) const
 Draws a box of type t, of color c at the widget's position and size.
void draw_box (Fl_Boxtype t, int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Color c) const
 Draws a box of type t, of color c at the position X,Y and size W,H.
void draw_focus () const
 Draws a focus rectangle around the widget. More...
void draw_focus (Fl_Boxtype t, int X, int Y, int W, int H) const
 Draws a focus rectangle around the widget. More...
void draw_focus (Fl_Boxtype t, int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Color bg) const
 Draws a focus box for the widget at the given position and size. More...
void draw_label () const
 Draws the widget's label at the defined label position. More...
void draw_label (int, int, int, int) const
 Draws the label in an arbitrary bounding box. More...
 Fl_Widget (int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label=0L)
 Creates a widget at the given position and size. More...
unsigned int flags () const
 Gets the widget flags mask.
void h (int v)
 Internal use only. More...
void set_flag (unsigned int c)
 Sets a flag in the flags mask.
void w (int v)
 Internal use only. More...
void x (int v)
 Internal use only. More...
void y (int v)
 Internal use only. More...

Protected Attributes

int cursor_
 current cursor index (0..3)
 points at the array of 4 cursors (may be overridden)
int default_min_h_
int default_min_w_
int size_range_capacity_
int size_range_size_

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Fl_Group
static Fl_Groupcurrent ()
 Returns the currently active group. More...
static void current (Fl_Group *g)
 Sets the current group. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Fl_Widget
static void default_callback (Fl_Widget *widget, void *data)
 The default callback for all widgets that don't set a callback. More...
static unsigned int label_shortcut (const char *t)
 Returns the Unicode value of the '&x' shortcut in a given text. More...
static int test_shortcut (const char *, const bool require_alt=false)
 Returns true if the given text t contains the entered '&x' shortcut. More...
- Protected Types inherited from Fl_Widget
enum  {
  INACTIVE = 1<<0 , INVISIBLE = 1<<1 , OUTPUT = 1<<2 , NOBORDER = 1<<3 ,
  FORCE_POSITION = 1<<4 , NON_MODAL = 1<<5 , SHORTCUT_LABEL = 1<<6 , CHANGED = 1<<7 ,
  OVERRIDE = 1<<8 , VISIBLE_FOCUS = 1<<9 , COPIED_LABEL = 1<<10 , CLIP_CHILDREN = 1<<11 ,
  MENU_WINDOW = 1<<12 , TOOLTIP_WINDOW = 1<<13 , MODAL = 1<<14 , NO_OVERLAY = 1<<15 ,
  MAXIMIZED = 1<<24 , POPUP = 1<<25 , USERFLAG3 = 1<<29 , USERFLAG2 = 1<<30 ,
  USERFLAG1 = 1<<31
 flags possible values enumeration. More...

Detailed Description

The Fl_Tile class lets you resize its children by dragging the border between them.

For the tiling to work correctly, the children of an Fl_Tile must cover the entire area of the widget, but must not overlap. This means that all children must touch each other at their edges, and no gaps can be left inside the Fl_Tile.

Fl_Tile does not normally draw any graphics of its own. The "borders" which can be seen in the snapshot above are actually part of the children. Their boxtypes have been set to FL_DOWN_BOX creating the impression of "ridges" where the boxes touch. What you see are actually two adjacent FL_DOWN_BOX's drawn next to each other. All neighboring widgets share the same edge - the widget's thick borders make it appear as though the widgets aren't actually touching, but they are. If the edges of adjacent widgets do not touch, then it will be impossible to drag the corresponding edges.

Fl_Tile works in two distinctive modes. In classic mode, the range of motion for edges and intersections is controlled using an invisible child that is marked as the resizable() widget of the tile group. Classic mode is described in detail a few paragraphs down.

Fl_Tile size_range mode

By assigning a default minimum size to all children with Fl_Tile::init_size_range(int default_minimum_width, int default_minimum_height) or by assigning minimal sizes to individual children with size_range(Fl_Widget *child, int minimum_width, int minimum_height, int, int), the tile group is put into size_range operation mode.

In this mode, the child that is marked resizable() will behave as it would in a regular Fl_Group widget. When dragging edges or intersections with the mouse, Fl_Tile will ensure that none of the children shrinks to a size that is smaller than requested. When resizing the Fl_Tile group, size ranges are not enforced by the tile. Instead, the size range of the enclosing window should be limited to a valid range.

Tile does not differentiate between visible and invisible children. If children are created smaller than their assigned minimum size, dragging intersections may cause unexpected jumps in size. Zero width or height widget are not harmful, but should be avoided.

Example for a center document tile and two tool boxes on the left and right

Fl_Window win(400, 300, "My App");
Fl_Tile tile(0, 0, 400, 300);
Fl_Box left_tool_box(0, 0, 100, 300, "Tools");
tile.size_range(&left_tool_box, 50, 50);
Fl_Box document(100, 0, 200, 300, "Document");
tile.size_range(&document, 100, 50);
Fl_Box right_tool_box(300, 0, 100, 300, "More\nTools");
tile.size_range(&right_tool_box, 50, 50);
win.size_range(200, 50);
see figure Standard Box Types
Definition: Enumerations.H:640
This widget simply draws its box, and possibly its label.
Definition: Fl_Box.H:33
The Fl_Tile class lets you resize its children by dragging the border between them.
Definition: Fl_Tile.H:27
This widget produces an actual window.
Definition: Fl_Window.H:55

Fl_Tile classic mode

Fl_Tile allows objects to be resized to zero dimensions. To prevent this you can use the resizable() to limit where corners can be dragged to. For more information see note below.

Even though objects can be resized to zero sizes, they must initially have non-zero sizes so the Fl_Tile can figure out their layout. If desired, call position() after creating the children but before displaying the window to set the borders where you want.

Note on resizable(Fl_Widget &w): The "resizable" child widget (which should be invisible) limits where the borders can be dragged to. All dragging will be limited inside the resizable widget's borders. If you don't set it, it will be possible to drag the borders right to the edges of the Fl_Tile widget, and thus resize objects on the edges to zero width or height. When the entire Fl_Tile widget is resized, the resizable() widget will keep its border distance to all borders the same (this is normal resize behavior), so that you can effectively set a border width that will never change. To ensure correct event delivery to all child widgets the resizable() widget must be the first child of the Fl_Tile widget group. Otherwise some events (e.g. FL_MOVE and FL_ENTER) might be consumed by the resizable() widget so that they are lost for widgets covered (overlapped) by the resizable() widget.

You can still resize widgets inside the resizable() to zero width and/or height, i.e. box 2b above to zero width and box 3a to zero height.
See also
void Fl_Group::resizable(Fl_Widget &w)

Example for resizable with 20 pixel border distance:

int dx = 20, dy = dx;
Fl_Tile tile(50,50,300,300);
// create resizable() box first
Fl_Box r(tile.x()+dx,tile.y()+dy,tile.w()-2*dx,tile.h()-2*dy);
// ... create widgets inside tile (see test/tile.cxx) ...

See also the complete example program in test/tile.cxx.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Fl_Tile()

Fl_Tile::Fl_Tile ( int  X,
int  Y,
int  W,
int  H,
const char *  L = 0 

Creates a new Fl_Tile widget using the given position, size, and label string.

The default boxtype is FL_NO_BOX.

The destructor also deletes all the children. This allows a whole tree to be deleted at once, without having to keep a pointer to all the children in the user code. A kludge has been done so the Fl_Tile and all of its children can be automatic (local) variables, but you must declare the Fl_Tile first, so that it is destroyed last.

See also
class Fl_Group

Member Function Documentation

◆ cursor()

Fl_Cursor Fl_Tile::cursor ( int  n)

Returns the cursor for cursor index n.

See also

◆ drag_intersection()

void Fl_Tile::drag_intersection ( int  oldx,
int  oldy,
int  newx,
int  newy 

Drags the intersection at (oldx,oldy) to (newx,newy).

See also
Fl_Tile::move_intersection(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy) , but this method does not call init_sizes() and is used for interactive children layout using the mouse.
[in]oldx,oldymove the intersection at this coordinate, pass zero to disable drag in that direction.
[in]newx,newymove the intersection as close to this new coordinate as possible

◆ handle()

int Fl_Tile::handle ( int  event)

Handles the specified event.

You normally don't call this method directly, but instead let FLTK do it when the user interacts with the widget.

When implemented in a widget, this function must return 0 if the widget does not use the event or 1 otherwise.

Most of the time, you want to call the inherited handle() method in your overridden method so that you don't short-circuit events that you don't handle. In this last case you should return the callee retval.

One exception to the rule in the previous paragraph is if you really want to override the behavior of the base class. This requires knowledge of the details of the inherited class.

In rare cases you may want to return 1 from your handle() method although you don't really handle the event. The effect would be to filter event processing, for instance if you want to dismiss non-numeric characters (keypresses) in a numeric input widget. You may "ring the bell" or show another visual indication or drop the event silently. In such a case you must not call the handle() method of the base class and tell FLTK that you consumed the event by returning 1 even if you didn't do anything with it.

[in]eventthe kind of event received
Return values
0if the event was not used or understood
1if the event was used and can be deleted
See also

Reimplemented from Fl_Group.

◆ init_size_range()

void Fl_Tile::init_size_range ( int  default_min_w = -1,
int  default_min_h = -1 

Initialize the size range mode of Fl_Tile and set the default minimum width and height.

The default minimum width and height is the size of the mouse pointer grab area at about 4 pixel units.

[in]default_min_w,default_min_hdefault size range for widgets that don't have an individual range assigned

◆ move_intersection()

void Fl_Tile::move_intersection ( int  oldx,
int  oldy,
int  newx,
int  newy 

Drags the intersection at (oldx,oldy) to (newx,newy).

This redraws all the necessary children.

If no size ranges are set, the new intersection position is limited to the size of the tile group. The resizable() option is not taken into account here.

If size ranges are set, the actual new position of the intersection will depend on the size range of every individual child. No child will be smaller than their minw and minh. After the new position is found, move_intersection() will call init_sizes(). The resizable() range is ignored.

[in]oldx,oldymove the intersection at this coordinate, pass zero to disable drag in that direction.
[in]newx,newymove the intersection as close to this new coordinate as possible

◆ on_insert()

int Fl_Tile::on_insert ( Fl_Widget candidate,
int  index 

Insert a new entry in the size range list.

Reimplemented from Fl_Group.

◆ on_move()

int Fl_Tile::on_move ( int  oldIndex,
int  newIndex 

Move the entry in the size range list.

Reimplemented from Fl_Group.

◆ on_remove()

void Fl_Tile::on_remove ( int  index)

Remove the entry from the size range list.

Reimplemented from Fl_Group.

◆ position()

void Fl_Tile::position ( int  oldx,
int  oldy,
int  newx,
int  newy 
"since 1.4.0 - use move_intersection(p) instead"

◆ request_grow_b()

void Fl_Tile::request_grow_b ( int  old_b,
int &  new_b,
Fl_Rect final_size 

Request for children to change their layout.

[in]old_bgrow all children with this current bottom edge toward the bottom edge of this tile
[in,out]new_btry to grow to this coordinate, return the maximum possible growth (currently maxh is ignored, so we always grow to new_b)
[in,out]final_sizewrite the new position and size of all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect

◆ request_grow_l()

void Fl_Tile::request_grow_l ( int  old_l,
int &  new_l,
Fl_Rect final_size 

Request for children to change their layout.

[in]old_lgrow all children with this current left edge toward the left edge of this tile
[in,out]new_ltry to grow to this coordinate, return the maximum possible growth (currently maxw is ignored, so we always grow to new_l)
[in,out]final_sizewrite the new position and size of all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect

◆ request_grow_r()

void Fl_Tile::request_grow_r ( int  old_r,
int &  new_r,
Fl_Rect final_size 

Request for children to change their layout.

[in]old_rgrow all children with this current right edge toward the right edge of this tile
[in,out]new_rtry to grow to this coordinate, return the maximum possible growth (currently maxw is ignored, so we always grow to new_r)
[in,out]final_sizewrite the new position and size of all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect

◆ request_grow_t()

void Fl_Tile::request_grow_t ( int  old_t,
int &  new_t,
Fl_Rect final_size 

Request for children to change their layout.

[in]old_tgrow all children with this current top edge toward the top edge of this tile
[in,out]new_ttry to grow to this coordinate, return the maximum possible growth (currently maxh is ignored, so we always grow to new_t)
[in,out]final_sizewrite the new position and size of all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect

◆ request_shrink_b()

void Fl_Tile::request_shrink_b ( int  old_b,
int &  new_b,
Fl_Rect final_size 

Request for children to change their layout.

See also
Fl_Tile::request_shrink_l(int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size)
[in]old_bshrink all children with this current bottoom edge toward the top edge of this tile
[in,out]new_btry to shrink to this coordinate, return the maximum possible shrinkage
[in,out]final_sizeif not NULL, write the new position and size of all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect

◆ request_shrink_l()

void Fl_Tile::request_shrink_l ( int  old_l,
int &  new_l,
Fl_Rect final_size 

Request for children to change their layout.

drag_intersection requests that all children with the left edge at old_l to shrink to new_l towards the right side of the tile. If the child can not shrink by that amount, it will ask all other children that touch its right side to shrink by the remainder (recursion). new_l will return the the maximum possible value while maintaining minimum width for all children involved.

request_shrink_r asks children to shrink toward the left, so that their right edge is as close as possible to new_r. request_shrink_t and request_shrink_b provide the same functionality for vertical resizing.

[in]old_lshrink all children with this current left edge
[in,out]new_ltry to shrink to this coordinate, return the maximum possible shrinkage
[in,out]final_sizeif not NULL, write the new position and size of all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect

◆ request_shrink_r()

void Fl_Tile::request_shrink_r ( int  old_r,
int &  new_r,
Fl_Rect final_size 

Request for children to change their layout.

See also
Fl_Tile::request_shrink_l(int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size)
[in]old_rshrink all children with this current right edge toward the left edge of this tile
[in,out]new_rtry to shrink to this coordinate, return the maximum possible shrinkage
[in,out]final_sizeif not NULL, write the new position and size of all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect

◆ request_shrink_t()

void Fl_Tile::request_shrink_t ( int  old_t,
int &  new_t,
Fl_Rect final_size 

Request for children to change their layout.

See also
Fl_Tile::request_shrink_l(int old_l, int &new_l, Fl_Rect *final_size)
[in]old_tshrink all children with this current top edge toward the bottom edge of this tile
[in,out]new_ttry to shrink to this coordinate, return the maximum possible shrinkage
[in,out]final_sizeif not NULL, write the new position and size of all affected children into this list of Fl_Rect

◆ resize()

void Fl_Tile::resize ( int  X,
int  Y,
int  W,
int  H 

Resizes the Fl_Tile widget and its children.

Fl_Tile implements its own resize() method. It does not use Fl_Group::resize() to resize itself and its children.

In size_range mode, the child marked resizable() is resized first. Only if its minimum size is reached, other widgets in the tile will resize too.

In classic mode or when no resizable child is set, enlarging works by moving the lower-right corner and resizing the bottom and right border widgets accordingly.

Shrinking the Fl_Tile works in the opposite way by shrinking the bottom and right border widgets, unless they are reduced to zero width or height, resp. or to their minimal sizes defined by the resizable() widget. In this case other widgets will be shrunk as well.

See the Fl_Tile class documentation about how the resizable() works.

Reimplemented from Fl_Group.

◆ set_cursor()

void Fl_Tile::set_cursor ( int  n)

Set one of four cursors used for dragging etc…

Fl_Tile uses an array of four cursors that are set depending on user actions:

  • 0: normal cursor
  • 1: horizontal dragging
  • 2: vertical dragging
  • 3: dragging an intersection

This method sets the window cursor for the given index n.

◆ size_range() [1/2]

void Fl_Tile::size_range ( Fl_Widget w,
int  minw,
int  minh,
int  maxw = 0x7FFFFFFF,
int  maxh = 0x7FFFFFFF 

Set the allowed size range for the give child widget.

Fl_Tile currently supports only the minimal width and height setting.

[in]wset the range for this child widget
[in]minw,minhminimum width and height for that child
[in]maxw,maxhmaximum size, defaults to infinite, currently ignored

◆ size_range() [2/2]

void Fl_Tile::size_range ( int  index,
int  minw,
int  minh,
int  maxw = 0x7FFFFFFF,
int  maxh = 0x7FFFFFFF 

Set the allowed size range for the child at the given index.

Fl_Tile currently supports only the minimal width and height setting.

[in]indexset the range for the child at this index
[in]minw,minhminimum width and height for that child
[in]maxw,maxhmaximum size, defaults to infinite, currently ignored

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